Grammar is an essential component of language learning and our course is designed to help children understand basic grammar concepts. We focus on reinforcing basic concepts and building upon them to promote deeper learning, so that learners can speak and write English correctly and with confidence. Our goal is to instill a love for English grammar in learners and equip them with the tools they need to succeed in their academic and professional careers. We provide a supportive environment where learners can feel comfortable making mistakes and learning from them.
Course Construct
1 hour/week
8 Sessions
Simple sentences & Punctuation
Nouns & Pronouns
Plurals & Possessives
Verbs & Adverbs
Course Benefits
This course will strengthen use of appropriate English grammar structures.
Students will be able to use targeted grammatical structures meaningfully and appropriately in oral and written production.
Students will have access to practice material and other resources.
They will be able to integrate form, meaning and use in academic discourse settings.
Course Construct
1 hour/week
8 Sessions
Review: Parts of Speech
Varing sentences structure (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
Tenses & Verbs Forms
Active & Passive Voice
Direct & Indirect Speech
Subject-Verb Agreement
Course Benefits
This course will introduce and strengthen the basics of English grammar.
They will demonstrate an understanding of more complex grammatical structures in academic set-up.
Students will be able to transfer their knowledge of structure into effective, concise and grammatically correct longer types of writing such as academic essays and personal journals.
Students will have access to practice material and other resources.
Course Construct
1.5 hour/week
4 Sessions
Varying sentence structure (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
Comma Splices
Parallel structure
Common grammatical errors
Course Benefits
Students will be able to demonstrate a sound understanding of grammar and linguistic conventions.
Students will transfer their knowledge of the structure of English into effective, concise and grammatically correct longer types of writing such as multi-paragraph academic essays.
Students will be able to self-edit their oral and written production.
Students will have access to practice material and other resources.
Course Construct
1 hrs hour/week
6 Sessions
Clauses & Sentences
Tenses & Modals
Adjectives & Adverbs
Common Sentence Errors
Revising & Proofreading
Course Benefits
Students will use a range of sentence structures accurately and selectively to achieve particular effects.
They will use correct tenses and modalities in their writing.
Their work will show improved use of modifiers to increase sentence variety.
Students will punctuate writing with accuracy to aid emphasis and precision.
They will acquire revision and proofreading skills.
Overall, students’ work will demonstrate a control of a range of vocabulary and a variety of grammatical structures.